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Quantum Triliminal Trial Offer Has already ended, but you can still sign up at a special rate, read on to discover how you can save $50/month on your membership fee.

If you're feeling stuck and just could not make any serious progress and breakthroughs in your life

"Ground Breaking New Mind Programming Technology Literally Removes The Biggest Obstacle Preventing Yourself From Making The Greatest Breakthroughs In Your Life...

... By Making Your Powerful Subconscious Mind An Strong Alliance
to Your Conscious Mind"

 you will then be able to eliminate the negative beliefs that keep you stuck, replace them with empowering new positive beliefs, change your view about yourself and the world, and enhance practically every aspect of your life


 From: Song Chengxiang

Friday, June 18, 2010

 Dear friend, 

Have you found yourself in the situation where you have been striving hard to succeed in every area of your life, but success seems always elude you.  No matter how hard you try, you always find yourself back to the same place where you started?

Do you find yourself working hard trying to generate enough money to buy your dream home or car, but just barely make ends meet every month?

Do you find it frustrating to lose weight and always gain it back?

Do you always want to build your own successful business, and you know you have all the knowledge and skills to succeed, but just could not know where to get started?

Do you find yourself lack of motivation, and always procrastinate on the important tasks that you know will make major contributions to your success and happiness?

Do you feel there is always a negative talk inside your head telling you what you cannot do and you don't deserve whatever you want in life, and you just cannot control it?

Do you find yourself always sabotage yourself just before your major breakthroughs?

If that sounds familiar to you, don't worry, you're not alone.  Most people find these true to themselves one way or another, that is because we always have this battle constantly going on between our conscious and subconscious mind. In fact, this is

The biggest obstacle that is preventing us from succeeding in whatever we want to pursuit in life

We consciously want one thing, but subconsciously want another. Our precious energy is wasted in this constant battle.

Then what is the solution?

The solution is to make your conscious mind and subconscious mind work together towards your desired goals or dreams.

Imagine... ...

 What it feels like if you can make the subconscious part of your mind congruent with the conscious part of your mind, what that means is that you will be able to tap into the VAST power of your subconscious mind and make it a loyal alliance that supports you in whatever endeavor you're involved in.

When that happens, EVERYTHING CHANGES.

You will become a much more powerful being than you can ever imagine. Whatever dreams or goals that you always want to pursuit, you will find it so much easier to have them in your life. ...

Your life will be filled with joy, happiness.

You can have the financial freedom and security to do whatever you want, when you want for yourself and your loved ones.

You can have a loving circle of friends you trust and a fulfilling relationship based on love, trust, respect and dignity.

You can find peace and stability in an ever changing world environment.

You will be able to pay off all your debts, earn enough money to pay your bills and other expenses, have the lifestyle you enjoy, live in a nice home, travel anyplace you want not having to worry about money, help those less fortunate than yourself.

You can have your own profitable and successful business, be your own boss, work when and where you want.

You can make more money than you ever dreamed, be able to buy and do what you desire, and be free of money worries.

You will be able to get to the inner place where you love yourself deeply, completely, unconditionally, and always nurture yourself no matter what.

You will peel away the layers of self-hate, doubt, fear, shame, anger, and low self-worth that block you from truly tapping into, and staying tapped in to your true, real, core, wonderful amazing unique self.

You will be able to free of stresses, look and feel healthy and vigorous, and have more energy and strength.

You will have more time to spend with your loved ones, and more holidays, complete freedom.

You can live each day to the fullest capacity, see the beauty in all things.

You will attract to you the people and events necessary to make you succeed, and surround yourself with successful people and people who acknowledge you and respect you for your achievements. 

All that requires is to

Make the subconscious part of your mind congruent with the conscious part of your mind

There has been technologies in the self help literature that have been trying to deal with this issue, such as subliminal, paramiminal, etc, but the effectiveness is somehow varies greatly from people to people. 

The reason for that is most of these technologies are trying to bypass the conscious mind to directly influence the subconscious mind. They simply ignored the importance of the conscious mind. 

That is probably the BIGGEST mistake of the self help industry. 

The conscious mind is just as important as the subconscious mind, after all it is the conscious mind that's making the final  judgment on how and whether all these mental programming we are trying to use to influence our mind are going to be executed.

Let me introduce to you the world's first mind programming technology that works on both your conscious and subconscious mind together...

Morry Zelcovitch's Latest Breakthrough Quantum Triliminal Technology

Before I tell you this brilliant new breakthrough mind programming technology, let me introduce you the man behind it Morry Zelcovitch.

Morry is one of the world's top brainwave entrainment experts, the developer of the now famous "The Morry Method" (TMM) brainwave entrainment technology, and the creator of two life-changing brainwave entrainment systems --Quantum Mind Power with TMM system and Quantum Confidence with TMM system.

Morry's brilliant technologies and programs have literally helped thousands of people transformed their lives. If you don't know who is morry yet, Here is Morry's Story...­

 “As a child I had many problems ranging from thousands of voices in my head to severe depression. I also had a very big mouth, was always getting into trouble and almost unbelievably accident prone (I have dislocated/separated my shoulders alone over 150 times, I won't even get into the myriad of broken bones, shredded tendons and ligaments, concussions, etc.) 

As a matter of fact I remember thinking up the phrase “life is but a disease, for which there is no cure but death”. I often thought about how great it would be, to be...­ not here anymore, not anywhere anymore. 

Something inside me made me start looking into this field when I began to notice that sometimes time seemed to move faster and more pleasantly than other times. I eventually made the connection that when time seemed to move quicker, the sounds I was hearing were more, rhythmic in nature and when time seemed to painfully stand still, the surrounding sounds were far more disjointed in nature. 

All of this started me on a 15-year odyssey of research into the field of “brain wave entrainment After many years of using other people's products with some limited success, I was determined to figure out why these recordings seemed to work but only in a minor way, with little effect, when all of the research I read suggested the effects should be more dominant than what I was experiencing. 

I decided that my best route to understanding might be by learning at the feet of an expert in the field. So I ended up contacting the world's foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment and learned invaluable information that could not be gotten anywhere else.  

I was trained and now I am one of the few in the world who actually can claim to be a “Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer”- and I have the education to back it up! 

Now I want to help others to be all they can be naturally.” 

-- Morry Zelcovitch

"The Morry Method", personally engineered by Morry Zelcovitch, is a unique and advanced brainwave entrainment technology that uses a proprietary protocol developed for presenting various stimuli to the brain and mind. The end result of this method is much "softer" on the brain/body system and offers a more natural incorporation of the "brain beats". 

What it does is to guide you into and maintain certain natural brain frequencies, create new neural pathways and change patterns of perception and information transfer in the brain, thereby creating new ways of experiencing yourself and your world... 

Since the first "The Morry Method" system made available to the world,  tens of thousands of people have changed their lives using this brilliant technology.

And here are what people have to say about Morry and his cutting edge technologies:

 “For The First Time... My Ability To Concentrate and Focus on Things Had An Amazing Jump Out of Nowhere”

I have been listening to QMP now for over two months, for almost a month and half I was trying different time rate of listening, I was experimenting with the recordings so that I could experience something new.

I was not sure I was really benefiting from the listening, yes it was much deeper than any brain entrainment program I have tested, I wasn't sure if I would get any results....

...Just this week for the first time my ability to concentrate and focus on things had an amazing jump out of nowhere. With this experience I had a pleasurable 'feeling' which I have never experienced before, I can honestly say the 'jump' was more than 300 percent. Now this ability was not a one off, I have managed to experience this at random.

My creative ability has had a major leap, I am working towards an album for the end of 2007, there is an avalanche of ideas just keep coming, and these ideas are nicely fitting in my plan.

Also my painting has taken another creative boost, I have almost completed a very large canvas which I couldn't finish 8 months ago, within few days I was inspired to give it a magical touch, the magic touch turned out to be a series of magical brush strokes which have helped me to continue painting.

Asgar Khan –UK


"It's like my sub-coconscious mind had just opened up and is delivering important messages and answers to me"

I love researching new technology, reading about the mind, body and spirit, how everything connects. I love learning and I have spent thousands on courses and programs. I don't often give testimonials - UNLESS the product is outstanding and I must let you know I have found this program amazing!!

I have had so many different unexpected results. New awareness's keep coming to me, it's like my sub-coconscious mind had just opened up and is delivering important messages and answers to me. I seem to see things far more clearly. I find I have significantly more energy in healing work. My skin seems noticeably clearer and my mind less foggy.

Even though I am fundamentally a happy person, I feel I have a lighter, brighter disposition now. I think those two word describe my feeling the best, lighter and brighter. I am under more stress than usual so I can only attribute these changes to the program. I can feel it. Seriously I am finding this amazing and exciting!

Andrea Irwin


"My business is in place and life has never been better"

Recently I sat down with a friend of mine, and our conversation was just on general things we are doing in our particular lives. Soon it was quite evident to me, that our interests, and financial goals were very similar.

Then it happened, flash after flash, and inspiration after inspiration. Before too long I had come up with a business name, objectives and a solid business plan. No matter what problems my friend put to me, I had the solutions, they just kept on flowing one by one. It wasn't until some time after I realized the brilliance had come from the use of Quantum Mind Power, which I had only starting using a week or so prior.

Now the business is in place and life has never been better. All credit surely must go to Morry and his Quantum Mind Power program.
Thank you Morry, we are in your debt.

Rob Douglas


"My Productivity Has Tripled"

I've all sorts of problems, ADD, OCD, and Chronic Fatigue, but this cd is helping me loads. I notice that whenever I'm down and do a session with Eden then boom I'm back in a more upbeat mood, or even in a TOTALLY different place. And it also reduces the awful mind nonsense I have to deal with, having ADD and OCD symptoms. I'm also getting WAY more done during the day, my productivity is easily TRIPLED.



"I was little skeptical"

I had spent lot of money on self improvement courses, but none of them worked because initial euphoria we may fell-good but it goes off with doming time. When I bought QMP I was little skeptical you know guys it really works.

I really don't know how every thing got transformed in my life. I'm able to find new person in me; I don't get angry or fear for any thing. My mind is with full of bless. I'm working creatively and for long hours­. I feel my mind has become thin and it doesn't have any role to play and I'm in control. I have moved from domain of doing to being. My life has changed.

I really thank Morry and his work. He has given new realm of awareness it is in our intelligence to use for better tomorrow.

Venkatesh, India


"I have been able to reduce the amount of medication required three different times"

I am 62 years young and up until 25 years ago have lived a hard life of alcoholism and drug addiction that resulted in medical ailments such as a "shrinking" kidney and hypertension, to name just two. I have been taking medication for a tachycardic arrythmia and my hpertension. The medications slow me down and produce a very low energy level and a lowered mood resulting in dysthymia. As a result I have had a daily struggle balancing my medications, productivity, energy levels, mood levels, blood pressure and heart rate.

Since using Quantum Mind Power I have seen my blood pressure reading continually drop to the degree that I have been able to reduce the amount of medication required three different times (of course in coordination with my family physician's direction). I would not believe it if I did not experience this myself.

But as a result of QMP I now work longer and more productively, enjoy life more, and have fewer side effects from meds. My physician is considering taking me off the anti-depressant that was being used to counteract the antihypertensive's side effects. With little medication my BP readings are well into low-normal ranges and I feel better in every way than I have for about 22 years. I have also experienced no tachycardic attacks. I know this is long but I did want to convey this message to you and others. Maybe these are not typical results. Maybe they are? An anecdotal story of one does not make for good data but I wanted to offer hope to others.

Thanks for your products and for the continued support that is available.
Ken Dickinson, Nottingham, Pa


"I truly think that medical authorities should wake up to this form of treatment"

We have a son of 24 years of age, who only has a mental age of a 7 year old. This is the way he has been since birth. We have been to the top experts in this disorder, have had numerous brain scans done but all they told us it's a genetic disorder.

That's the way it will be for him till I bumped onto your system and thought I give it a try for my son. The cost of your program was naught to thousands we had given to the experts. I just want to say after just 3 days that my son listened to the Eden Energy Wave Dynamics, he said to me dad can you help me read this book that he was holding in hand, this just brought tears to me and my wife eyes.
So much so he has completely transformed, in the manner he is more happy, cooperative, and can keep up with conversations with his brothers also we note he has started to make decisions. None of this he could ever do before. I don't know what mysteries your system contains but it works!! Please keep up this good work and I truly think that medical authorities should wake up to this form of treatment, for people like my son. Once again Thank You! And God Bless.

M Butt London UK


"I've gotten back 80% of what I lost"

I have been using Quantum Mind Power recordings for about a month now. What I notice most is that my memory has so improved. I have gone through menopause and with it my memory really suffered. It made me uncomfortable. My vocabulary seemed to be out of reach for at least the last six years. I would go to say something and couldn't access the right word.

Well that's close to non-existent now. What a difference using this program has made. I'd say I've gotten back 80% of what I lost and I fully expect to get back the rest and honestly to far exceed what I had in the first place. This program is a must for people as they start to age. I can't recommend it enough.

 Shirley Carrick

"After one week, we both noticed a huge improvement in my performance while making love on July 8";;

I hate to use the term "instant results" but it almost seems applicable. I bought the course on July 1, nearly the last minute, listened to the triliminal and the entrainment recording on the 2nd and started to notice the shift right away.

More importantly, by Sunday the 4th, my girlfriend and I had a little argument and after we made up she told me she noticed I seemed to have more confidence while we had our argument.

After one week, we both noticed a huge improvement in my performance while making love on July 8. Not just the physical act of making love but in the way I kissed her and touched her leading up to the physical act of making love. Not to say I am always 100% confident at this point, I suffered some devastating setbacks at the start of the year and still have the feeling of once bitten twice shy. Yet, the results are the results. I am feeling much better than on July 1 and I am excited to see what happens after my first month.

I think one of the keys is Quantum Confidence with TMM is a system that supports each other, it's not just one component. While I haven't mentioned it above, I have also listened to the meditation at least 3 times in the last week and I have listened to at least one of the subliminals at least one hour every day along with using the triliminal and the entrainment recordings at least once a day.


"It's almost like you can feel inner shifts on the spot!"

Firstly... Congratulations. I absolutely love the triliminal process. I've done this daily for the last 4 days and already feel the benefit. It's almost like you can feel inner shifts on the spot!

It hits you nicely and allows you get lost in the process. I naturally felt my thoughts wandering all over the place which allowed me to hear the triliminals but not concentrate too heavily on them. I'd guess the BWE frequency allows this.

Got to tell you that I love this programme.

Richard Cash


"Your Quantum Confidence program has reprogrammed my Brain!"


This is Barbara in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Two weeks ago,  you were kind enough to send me the Quantam Confidence.

You asked me to let you know what I thought of it after two weeks use!

I listen to the Quantum Confidence and Self Esteem Triliminal first thing in the morning, as soon as I awake.

Around 12:00 p.m. I listen to Quantum Confidence Monaural 3. I've done this everyday since we talked on the phone.

I absolutely notice phenomenal changes! I don't worry about most things I used to! My attitude is much more positive and I'm doing alot of things with more confidence, such as drawing blood (I'm in the
medical field). .

I've always found your programs very effective with "bettering" myself.

I will continue to support you and everything you develop. You have the key to making the world a better place to live in! I will tell everyone I know about the Quantum Confidence program.

Thank you, so very much! I will write after 30 days and let
you know how I am making out!




It's Barbara in Harrisburg, PA, USA.A.

I have to tell you what your Quantum Confidence did for me!!!
I am excelling at speeds I've only dreamt of!!!!!

I have 23 hours to go until I am done with my Externship!
Your Quantum Confidence program has reprogrammed my Brain!

I work in the medical field and I am doing EVERYTHING better, and I DO NOT second guess myself anymore!!!!!! I do it all with precision and confidence!!!!!!

My colleagues are astounded with what I have turned into!!!!!!!

Please keep me posted with your latest and greatest!!!!

You are the best!!! I told you I would write and I did!!!

I sit for my Pennsylvania Boards on August 28th 2009!!!

I will keep you posted.

Much love!!!!!!

Barbara in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA


"I feel as though I've overcome a long time deep down negative barrier"

Hi Morry,

Thank you so much for sending the study protocol with instructions and an explanation as to how it works.

As far as the Quantum Confidence Program, I feel as though I've overcome a long time deep down negative barrier. Quantum Confidence has helped me gain more confidence, feel less intimidated and has given me an overall feeling of "I'm happy to be alive! I must confess, I'm feeling a little tired and depressed today, but as was mentioned in the telesiminar, this is due to repressed feelings coming to the surface, which only makes sense for many of us. I have been listening to the CD's faithfully and using the subliminals every chance I get.

Infact, I listen to the subliminals all night while sleeping. I thank Morry and Song for this extremely important and beneficial program. I honestly feel the whole world could benefit from Quantum Confidence. Thank you,




"My sales numbers for my office is up almost 30 %"


I apologize its taking me so long to get back to you on my results with your new system Quantum Confidence but things have been going that good . Since the first time i started listening and following the instructions my sales numbers for my office is up almost 30 %. i feel alot more confident and relaxed at the same time love the new system .



"I felt like "God child", loved by Universe"

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

I cant find words big enough to tell you THANK YOU and HOW HAPPY I AM!!!! With all my heart THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!! I have already started to listen to Quantum Confidence Program and I find it amazing!!! As soon as I have finished to listen to it I was filled up with happiness and joy. I felt like "God child", loved by Universe. It was amazing feeling!!!

I am your fan since QMP but now ... wow!... I am speechless!! I have on my mind words: "Friend in need is a friend indeed" and about cause and effect... God bless you, Morry!!!!

Anytime you want I can send you my testimony with photo and of course I will "spread the word" to all my hotmail and facebook contacts.


With loveve



"I got a chance to see how powerful Morry's CDs are!"

Day before yesterday I got a chance to see how powerful Morry's CDs are! I could not find my wallet. A few months ago this would have sent me into panic. This time I felt the usual concern, but I was calm. I called to have my card cancelled. Then I tried to mentally re trace my steps the day before when I used it. I stayed focused, but I could only come up with the last time I had it. I drove to my Storage Unit to see if it was there. I was calmly concerned. When I got there, it was not there. I opened my trunk to show my friend where I thought it should be, Suddenly I remembered that I had put it in my computer bag instead of my purse which was inside the car!

This was a long story to show how sustained I was able to feel calm in the “eye of the storm!?

Thank you Morry! I feel that my daily listening to the Confidence download really made a difference in my confidence and my feeling of well being even in a possibly stressful situation. (I daily listen to your other CDs too.)

It will be interesting to see what comes up after listening to the whole new Confidence CD!D!



"I got an 'unexpected/ overlooked' check in the mail"

Talk about coincidence! Four days following your Quantum Confidence (QC) release announcement I got an 'unexpected/ overlooked' check in the mail - today. Now I can order QC...

I'm excited that it can only get better.



"I am so sure of my self that I am surprised at how the doubt I used to have is very small or not there at all"

Hello Morry and Song, I want to updated you with my progress which I am really excited about.

1. Here is my last month¡¯s testimonial What was going on for you since I started the program. I was looking to find more of me discovering these programs has been a God sent. Just after one day listening to the samples my intuition working with a client was so confident that it surprised me and the clarity. .

I am finding that my stress level is way better and I am trusting me more. I have been working on myself for years in-order to be a better person. I see that this is accelerating what I have been over working to get. Listening is making things happen without over working.

Just after a week of listening I am able to de-clutter and get rid of stuff (papers) I have been holding on to for years. I now can allow new life into my life. It is so easy to let go, now that the no attachment syndrome to old information is gone. I love my life and I an so very excited.

I wrote the above 2-3weeks ago I think. Many things have been happening I am not sure where to begin writing. Listening to the QMP self esteem including all the rest of the CDs has been helping me find myself at a deeper new level of my development. I am much more accurate with my intuition and I have so much confident with my accuracy as for self esteem.

I am so sure of my self that I am surprised at how the doubt I used to have is very small or not there at all and I know this is just the beginning. There are still some areas I still need to work and deal with and I can see clearly where the improvement is needed. For example I was asked to present a workshop and be part of a team I did not know and I was also to meet a very famous doctor in the natural healing arts and science. The usual fearful part was there, nevertheless it was at a distance where I could see it watching what was happening. That felt awesome to witness. When my insecurity showed up very big, nevertheless I surprised myself in a big, because I could hear the saboteur/ the fearful self-saying all sorts things and how I was going to fail from an observable distance. I did not have to work hard to convince myself and I did not bail out of the work I had agreed to do, gently and softly everything fell into a great place and I was great at it and the doctor invited me to do some work with her.r.

One of the biggest thing for me is that my intuitive hits are closer and closer and I am getting the message and speaking it out loud with confidence. I know this is just the beginning I am very excited and I can hardly contain myself. I am not getting flustered like before the program I am comfortable with myself, my actions, words, requests, wants, needs. I am not worried about what people will think or say.

Again thank you both looking forward to more of the same or better.



"I can comfortably be myself, have my own voice without feeling there is something wrong with me"


I have been using the system for three weeks. The results have become solid and real - or perhaps I have become more solid and real in myself in that I can comfortably be myself, have my own voice without feeling there is something wrong with me.

I am enjoying being me and I appreciate my qualities. To be able to purchase a confidence and life giving product is amazing. I wonder how it feels to be the producer of a product that can actually allow people to live being themselves.



"In the last 2 weeks alone I have had a large corporation offer me my dream job with a huge signing bonus"

I have started using the Quantum Confidence about 3 weeks ago, the results have been absolutely amazing. My self confidence has went up to a level I never thought was achievable.

In the last 2 weeks alone I have had a large corporation offer me my dream job with a huge signing bonus, we acquired the house we have always dreamed about & moved in last week, my confidence every morning goes up & I now believe I can achieve what ever I want....

Thanks Morry

Lorne Adamarczuk


"I shot my best round of golf in 3 years"

I started out listening to the quantum lite recording which persuaded me to get the whole package.

I shot my best round of golf in 3 years (3 under par)and am sure the confidence I gained in myself attributed to this. Somehow I managed to stay in the zone although my golf buds kept saying "hey awesome round" - normally you'd then start over thinking and fall apart but I didn't. Hope this remains!



"Miraculous Results from QMP (TMM)"

Hello Morry, My name is Mark and I purchased your program several months ago. I honestly can't even begin to tell you the changes it has made in my life. Due to the constant stresses of my finances, work and the world in general, I found myself in a constant state of mild depression over the last couple of years. I have used meditation as an antidepressant for years and believe that is what helped me keep my depression from advancing to anything more serious. As of late I had been finding it difficult to calm my mind and enter an Alpha state. As a result of not being able to meditate effectively I felt the depression become more severe and I could also feel what was almost like a thick brain fog setting in.

My short term memory seemed almost non existent. I had to write everything down on paper to help me remember important things. Every decision I made seemed like the worst one ever. I started to lose interest in work and even fun activities like golf which I love. I had to force myself to do the minimum to just get by. If I needed to read something important, I had to read it over and over again to understand it. I was afraid that if I did not do something soon that I would loose what little control I had left and that the depression would totally take over.

I started doing some research on the net and came across brain entrainment technology. It sounded like it could help and with a lot less effort than meditation. There were many programs to choose from and I was not sure which program I wanted to use. While researching my options I found your sample recording. I down loaded it into my MP3 and set it to play continuously. I began listening to it that day and probably listened to it 12 times. I woke up the next morning, put on my MP3 player and went about my day. At about 9 AM in my home office I made a "to do" list (which I never do) of about 12 items that I needed to take care of , and I also read and returned about 30 emails. After what I thought was about an hour I looked up from my laptop and realized it was 1 PM and I only had 2 items left on my to do list. I sat back in my chair stunned and realized that I worked 4 continuous hours. Not only that, but I did more work in those for 4 hours than I normally did in three work days in the depressed state of mind I was in. At that moment I went to your site and ordered the Quantum Mind Power system. Once I down loaded the system, I added it as a play list on my MP3 player and began to listen immediately.

The results after the first couple of weeks have been nothing short of miraculous. My depression and brain fog are gone. My reading speed and comprehension have at least tripled. I love reading while listening to Neural Synergy. My memory is back and its sharper than it has ever been. My perception of people and the world around me has expanded in ways I really can’t explain. It sounds really corny, but I feel like I'm looking at the world with a new set of eyes. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it is all 100 present true.

Morry, thank you so much for creating QMP and you for making it affordable.


You've read enough stories,  I think you have been convinced that how powerful and life-changing "The Morry Method" systems are. 

But Morry did not stop there, he really takes his technology to the next level by combining "The Morry Method" and his cutting-edge mind programming technology together to create a new breakthrough technology called Quantum Triliminal.

It is...

The first technology that works on both conscious and subconscious mind to create lasting and permanent change in your life


What is Quantum Triliminal?

A Triliminal is fully audible and you get 3 different audible presentations specifically designed to affect different parts of the brain as well as the conscious and subconscious mind.

When we program ourselves everyday of our lives, we do so by affirming things over and over again.

How can I pay these bills???

How can I pay these bills???

How can I pay these bills???

Why can't I meet someone to really love???

Why can't I meet someone to really love???

Why can't I meet someone to really love???

Among countless others.

It is understood that this type of programming works, after all, just look at your life circumstances now and you will see what I mean.

With Quantum Triliminals the end of this negative programming is in sight as we take this method of training/learning, a method that up until now has been used to tear us down and use it for "good" instead.

After all, energy is neither good or bad. In the end, it's how we use it that makes it what it is, and your thoughts are energy. It is the time now to convert it to a positive purpose, and that's exactly what the new technology of Quantum Triliminals can help you with.

Here is how it works.

You hear 3 sets of specially designed affirmations. All at the same time!!!

In the left ear you hear affirmations specially designed for acceptance by the right hemisphere of your brain. This is the "creative" side of your brain, so the affirmations are designed to be accepted more easily by being designed with that in mind.

In the right ear you hear affirmations specially designed for acceptance by the left hemisphere of your brain. This is the "analytic" side of your brain, so the affirmations are designed to be accepted more easily by being designed with a logical flare.

At the same time as you hear the "hemispherically specific" (right and left brain) affirmations, you will also hear affirmations that are not hemispherically specific in nature as well. These are presented to both ears.

Thus, you end up hearing 3 sets of very specifically designed affirmations that when heard as they are, (at the same time) acts to cause the mind to literally reorganize itself to a higher level as it attempts to follow/understand the presented sets of affirmations.

The end result is that the positive messages get by any and all resistance and get "heard" directly by the "concious" and "sub conscious" where they can do the most good.

No other technology works on both the conscious and subconscious at the same time, this allows for a much more effective retraining and relearning system for your complete self.

Simply listen to the Quantum Triliminal recordings a couple of times a week to help reprogram your mind for a more positive way of thinking.

After all, it is

What you think creates your reality.

Bear in mind that every Quantum Triliminal is enhanced by the background "The Morry Method" brainwave entrainment sound that make the programming much easier and more effective.

Quantum Triliminal recordings are initially made available to a small group of people who has paid for Morry's high price brainwave entrainment systems.  They receive Quantum Triliminals that help them program their mind for success in specific areas of their life on a monthly basis.

 The responses are phenomenal !

The followings are some posts that our people made on our forums and blogs....


Forum Post NO.1

"benefits of confidence triliminals"

by saintliness » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:12 pm

 :) Hi there morry. thanks for the encouraging words even though i bothered you a lot telephonically. Just to say that i used the confidence triliminals for one week now and i feel great inner strength and peace.For a guy who was weak this product was great. I am more relaxed and confident.

Thank you very much morry


Forum Post NO.2

"I Love the Triliminals! "

by cathyp » Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:25 pm

Hi Morry,

I am loving your new Triliminals! I do not have the TMM Self-Esteem system yet but I am on Song's mailing list from earlier purchases so I was invited to a trial for the Morry's Private Club.

I was blown away by the Triliminals that we get each month as a member and I plan on being here for a long time! I am currently listening to the ones on Prosperity and I truly am feeling a shift in my consciousness towards abundance and worthiness. Something seems SO VERY RIGHT about hearing things not only from the left and right but from the center also.

When going into therapy several years ago, I was routinely tested as I guess most people are when entering therapy, and my therapist was surprised to find that on the test where you answer questions that determine if you are either right-brain or left-brain dominant, that I answered 50% for both sides. He had never seen anyone do this and he thought that I had "figured out" a pattern to identify which questions pertained to each side of the brain and answered based on that to "throw the test". I told him that I was honored that he thought I was able to do that, but no, I had just answered honestly and that I maybe I was just "in the middle" and neither side of my brain was dominant. I am still not sure what this signifies for me.

But maybe that is why the triliminal process resonates so much with me. I will continue to pay the monthly membership fee in order to get two new Triliminals each month! And hopefully the Prosperity ones with change my life so that the money for the memberships fees (and everything else) is attracted easily into my life. 

And I agree with someone who posted earlier, Morry, your voice is very nice and makes the triliminals very easy to listen to for me. But everyone is different and if you ever do try-outs again for femaile readers, please drop me a line. I LOVE THE TRILIMINALS and I want EVERYONE in the world to benefit from them!!!!



Forum Post NO.3

"This Stuff WORKS!!!! "

by GuruMaj » Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:11 pm

... ...

I now use on daily basis one of the QMP BWE followed by one of the Triliminals, it is doing wonders to my overall state of mind and work performance. Another strange thing happened lately after I started listening to Procrastination Triliminals, my focus, prioritization of work assignments, ability to deliver in a timely manner excellent quality work is amazing ME!!!!

This stuff works. For this Morry I THANK YOU.

I hope you will make for us Triliminals on 2 important subjects

1. Weight loss
2. Fear of presentation & Public speaking



Forum Post NO.4

"Here is my testemonial(QMP)"

by ArmaDino »  Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:51 pm

First, a small apology... I should have written this testimonial a while back, yet I decided to do it today, because it wouldn't be fair if I dont. I came home after my exams, exhausted, tired, annoyed (bad in every way). I just didn't want to see anyone, so I thought, what the hell... let's listen to the emotional booster(Eden Energy Wave Dynamics). As I am writting this testimonial, I feel refreshed, content and just grooving. QMP is the best thing that happened to me.

... ...

QMP, Trilliminals and my development

From that day on I started listening ro QMP more or less everyday. I noticed some improvements, such as improved postive thinking, greater concentration, better memory, improved confidence, being unattached to the material, etc (there are a lot more, but I'm bit lazy today).

Also, for members of Morry's Private club, there are the so called Trilliminals. It basicly is a recording with 3 set of voices, wich shoot positive afftimations into your concious and subconcious mind simultaneusly, basicly changing your thinking patterns. I noticed an increased positive thinking, and when I slump back to negative thinking, there is voice inside my head that tells me to get back to the positive side of the life.

... ...



Forum Post NO.5


by srusnak  »Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:59 am

Hello Everyone

$heila from Winnipeg here.

I have been on this absolutely incredible self discovery / self improvement journey for some time now.

I have come across the most powerful brainwave entrainment system out there, and I want to share it with everyone! Of course this is my opinion only, however I am quite certain that many of you on the forum will agree with me. I almost went with the other system , and I am so so thankful that I decided to check out TMM more and that it totally resonated with me and I chose TMM

I truly absolutely LOVE Morry's teachings. He is right up there with Wayne Dyer and Kryon!

I have spoken with Morry many times, and listened to his absolutely astounding lectures -- the 6 week webinar course.

I have learned so much from Morry.
The most profound thing I have learned from Morry is that you are the only one who can make the changes in your life.
Remember, the teacher will appear when the student is ready.

In my opinion, Morry is one of the best teachers ever !! Morry provides us with absolutely incredible tools to make these changes.

Every thing he says is pure gold and makes so much sense! His programs are literally legal mind candy His Triliminals, OMG they are just the cat's meow and pure bliss.

I have experienced great benefits using both QMP and QC. I definitely listen as often as I can. I make time to write out my affirmations as often as possible I think the most beneficial teachings from Morry was the 6 week course. That was just so phenomenal !!

Almost every night I listen to something. Lately I have put 5 of the subliminals in my cd player and just do a repeat CD all night long. I still want to make listening to one of the tracks to start my day off, but have not been able to fit that in just yet. I am not a early riser as I tend to do computer stuff until the wee hours usually listening to QMP or QC tracks.

I cannot say enough good things about Morry! He has such incredible insight and is truly an amazing teacher and a truly wonderful person.

Since using his TMM system, I have been able to stay positive, it is so much easier to use the flip switch & turn that frown upside down when needed, and I have more drive to get the things done, and I definitely have more energy for sure, and I don't drink as much coffee as I used too, and I make more health conscious decisions overall.

I LOVE every recording, however if I had to pick a favorite it would be the triliminals. I really like how there are affirmations built in. I like to make them quadraliminals by writing out my affirmations as I am listening to a triliminal or other recording -- I like to multi-task.

Seriously, these are absolutely amazing life altering recordings! This is the tool to help me attain and live the life of my dreams!

My deepest and sincerest THANKS to Morry and Song for all they do for each and everyone of us !!


Forum Post NO.6

"Quantum Confidence"

by yoni » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:42 pm

I want to thank Morry for creating such amazing tracks in Quantum Confidence. I would like to share some of my experiences on the following tracks, quantum confidence meditation, triliminal's , the connection and schuman ressonnance.

... ...

Triliminals: These recordings work in very mysterious ways, I often find that when I listen to these recordings usually things just come my way. Weather I bump into a person who serves a meaningful purpose in my life or I get some sort of income from places or people I never expected it to come from and it helps me feel more confident due to the repetitive voices which I feel are being engraved directly to my brain and because I know if I stick at it something is bound to come my way. I listen to these recordings daily either in the morning or before I go to sleep, sometimes both. Just recently I kept meeting and bumping into different women who were really interested in me, maybe I haven't noticed it before, but now it's clear with all of the compliments I have been receiving lately.

... ...

Forum Post NO.7

"Excellent Customer Service"

by cswaly

I have already previously put down a testimonial on how great the products are. However, I thought it would be important to put one down for the excellent customer service that Morry and Song are providing.

Whenever I have any issues, I PM morry and ask him questions. He is very prompt and detailed with his responses. What I have realised is that there are several hundred or thousands of people emailing him everyday and some of them have questions for which he has to keep repeating answers. What amazes me is that he does that everytime and makes sure that he is there for everyone. I just realised how much patience and energy someone would have to keep doing that. For those of you who are wondering how he does it, I do believe the secret is in his wonderful entrainment products which he has used himself for all these years.

Song is also helpful in trying to resolve the problems.

The genuineness that both of them have is amazing. I really must applaude the work they do and I really look up to Morry as a person who makes fantastic use of his time. Can you imagine how efficient you would have to do to research and create entrainment products, answer questions, set up courses and calls and get time for yourself (Sleeping, eating, socializing etc) ? It's really amazing.

I am grateful that i came across Morry and his products, they have definately changed my life and have really inspired me in so many ways. I would highly recommend Morry and all of his products.

See More PROOFS...

Here are some blog posts that people made on our blog after using just on of our Quantum Triliminal Recording


"It's literally a miracle!!"

I was first introduced to Morry's work several years ago, and his programs have been a daily part of my life since then.

Quantum Mind Power has been absolutely life-changing for me. I have also incorporated Morry's subliminals in my Mind Movies, making them turbo-charged and super powerful!

But the most incredible testimonial I have is regarding my 10-year-old, non-verbal autistic daughter. I was told she was likely severely mentally challenged, but I always knew she was in there somewhere, listening, waiting, absorbing everything around her.

Like many autistic children, she had sleep problems, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and she hasn't slept longer than 3 hours a night for most of her life. Soon after I started playing QMP Good Night Sleep Well, she fell asleep more easily and slept for longer stretches.

Today I am pleased to say she sleeps 9-10 hours a night! It's literally a miracle!!

And if that wasn't enough, there is something even more incredible. Autistic children are very sensitive, much more than people can begin to understand. They are constantly bombarded with sensory stimuli that most people can filter out, but they retreat into their own world in order to quell the overwhelm generated by all these outside stimuli, or they can become easily agitated or react violently.

When I started playing the QMP Schumann Resonance Meditation for her, she was so much calmer and happier. She also spoke for the first time in 8 years and said "Mommy hug".

I cried for days after that. Morry has meant more to us than I can possibly express, and I would be absolutely honored and most appreciative to become a lifetime member of Morry's membership site and benefit from new triliminals every month.

Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Cathy Buckley


"I had an interview today..."

I received the prosperity triliminal at the very time I am looking for employment. I was laid off on 3/23/10 and was very resigned about job hunting and my living arrangements. I have no family here and it looked hopeless.

Well the prosperity triliminal showed up as if by magic and I have been using it. I have had 1 person call me and ask for my resume' and I had an interview today and will be going back next Tuesday. A friend dropped off $100 just so I would have pocket money until the my income is back on track.

The main thing is I feel absolutely at ease and free. This is not my normal way of being around finances. I really need to have a membership as I am certain these triliminals are just what I have always been looking for. ...

You are a gift!

Sharon Schneider - Atlanta, Georgia


"I truly doubt whether I'd be here writing this now ..."

Hi Morry
I am a great fan and have been using your products for months now having purchased QMP, also downloaded the Confidence one & just a couple of days ago the Tri - already I can tell its a winner for me. I've put together the subliminals & listen to them most nights while I sleep, I do the emotive hypnosis &/or Eden Energy Wave sometime through the day - hardly a day goes by without some or all of it.
The results I'm experiencing are phenomenal - I was diagnosed with a life threatening disease last year and had to leave work to undergo treatment & get better - things have been really challenging, but I believe your products have helped turn everything around. I'm feeling great and looking forward to a new and improved lifestyle - I've made many changes, all for the better.
I truly doubt whether I'd be here writing this now if it weren't for the assistance your products have given me in keeping a great attitude and being able to have the confidence to tackle anything.
Thank you Morry for your work.



"I got a bonus cheque of $83..."

I am so excited, I came home today and I got a bonus cheque of $83 and three positive response to my service that I am advertising. I have only started listening to the Prosperity Quantum Triliminals yesterday. I did so for 3 or 4 different times during the day and today at work twice and I am seeing results already.
Thanks again for your gift.

Roxanne Greenidge


"I woke up with a new zest"

I listened to the free triliminal last night - at first half-heartedly out of curiosity - but the more I listened the more I got into it. When I closed my eyes it felt like I was spinning with the voices coming to me from all directions. When I opened my eyes I was transported to another dimension with all the swirling colours and patterns that appeared on my computer screen and all the while the gentle, easy to listen to voices caressing my brain.

I felt good afterwards but didn't think too much of it but then this morning I woke up with a new zest and started tackling things that I had been putting off for months - things that really needed doing to get rid of a backlog and release a stalemate that I had reached. What happened?!! It was like magic! More Magic please!!

Patricia Brown


"I never felt so good realizing that a potential argument can bring you so much satisfaction"

I just joined the membership and just tried the triliminal "Stress" for March both Stress 1 and Stress 2 and they are awesome.

First of all, a great feeling of relaxation that takes over just in a few minutes from the beginning and then fully guided process.

Yesterday after I listened to Stress 1, the one that begins with overcoming challenges and looking at challenges as opportunities, after I finished listening to it, there was the first challenge waiting for me - one person was about to start an argument with me. I was almost to react in my usual way and ready to fight back but then something clicked in my brain and I literally heard some words from that triminal.

As a result, I just smiled to that person and said: "this is not the worst that could happen. we can always figure something out."

As a result there was no conflict, no argument. And I was thinking "wow! That was me? That was great!". Actually I never felt so good realizing that a potential argument can bring you so much satisfaction just by choosing how you react to it!

I am looking forward to getting back to work on Monday to see how I will react there - my work is a bunch of challenges mixed with disguised conflicts:-). Will keep you posted!



"I have had miraculous results..."

I have an irrational fear of rodents and have been listening to releasing fear and I have had miraculous results.

I used to hurt myself at the thought or picture of a mouse, rat, or possum...I am clearly on my way to acting rationally when it comes to these little creatures. This has been a lifelong dilemma. I am truly pleased.

Sharon Schneider


Quantum Triliminal Membership Program

To let more people benefit from this amazing breakthrough technology, Morry has decided to create this membership program so that more people can get access to this unique and powerful mind programming technology to help them succeed in every endeavor.

But there is a little problem, this membership site requires a great deal of personal attention from Morry, he simply could not manage to handle too many members.

Therefore, we can only accept new members for a limited time, and we may have to close it earlier if there are too many new applications. We want to ensure the quality of this membership site, and deliver the best to our members.

We only want to accept those who are committed to really putting Morry's amazing technology in use to completely transform every aspect of their lives.  If you think you're qualified, here are what you'll receive from the Quantum Triliminal Membership Program every month.

Membership Component #1:

Two Quantum triliminals every month
 ($197/month Value)

As a member, you're going to get TWO quantum triliminals every single month. The quantum triliminals for every month are specifically designed to help you improve one particular area of your life, such as Health and Wellness, Relationships, Procrastination, Emotional Balance, etc

And you can even suggest your own topics that you want Morry to create. We listen to members' feedback very closely.

Basically what the Quantum Triliminals do is to program BOTH your conscious and subconscious mind with strong positive messages that are going to become part of your everyday thinking.

It takes about 21 days to a month to form a habitual thinking pattern, therefore we only create Quantum Triliminal recordings for one particular topic each month.

You'll get two recordings on the same topic, there is a slight difference in these two recordings, on recording has all affirmations from left, right and center, and the other recording has affirmations from the center, a hypnosis and meditation from right and left.

You can choose to use any one of these two recordings on any particular day so that your mind won't get bored by listening to the same recording throughout the month.

That's important, because the more interested you're in the recordings, the more effective they are.

Just think about it, every month you're going to form a new positive habitual thinking pattern on one important area of  your life.  Isn't that exciting?  Before long, you will hardly recognize yourself, you will become a completely new personal, powerful and vibrant.

When you sign up today, you will get

Instant Access To Two New Quantum Triliminals

Quantum Triliminal - self discipline I
Quantum Triliminal - self discipline II

Membership Component #2:

One monthly mentoring teleconference call with Morry
($97/month Value)

What problems you face in your daily life? ? ?

What is preventing you from achieving your full potential?

What is keeping you from your breakthrough in life?

Why do you work so hard to make your life work, but always sabotage your effort?

Do you notice what these questions have in common?  These are very personal questions that you cannot find answers in any of the self-help books or programs.  Answers to these kind of questions only reside in yourself, nobody can answer them for you. 

But the problem is that it's very hard to find the answers yourself from your limited perspective.  This is where you need someone to guide you through from a totally different perspective.  This is why you need a mentor.

During the members' call, you can ask any questions, and get answered directly from Morry himself. Consider this as a opportunity to be mentored by the world top brainwave entrainment engineer, and self help master. Morry has helped thousands changed their lives through his specialize knowledge and technology, he can change yours too.

Membership Component #3:

Members forum to discuss with like minded people ($97/month Value)

 I believe you have been surrounded by all kinds of people in your work and life.  Even just one encounter with a negative people will drain your energy for the day.  

All the members of this private club are like minded people just like you. What kind of impact do you think it can have on your life if you're surrounded by supportive positive people every day?

The forum is a place for you to gather with these positive people.  You can share your experiences with others and learn from others' experiences too.  Many of them have very similar challenges or difficulties as yours, you can benefit greatly from their opinions and ideas.

¡¡  Membership Component #4:

A special session in the forum that you can ask questions and get answered directly by Morry himself

($97/month Value))

This is another component of the membership designed for you to get support from Morry anytime you want.  You can consider Morry as a supportive friend you can turn to for help anytime you want.  This friend is different form any other of your friend, he has the specialized knowledge and expertise that will help you change your life for the better.  And he is very supportive and friendly.

Besides these four key components of the membership, you will also get many other benefits from discounts for Morry's high price brainwave entrainment systems, to surprise gifts from morry, and even personalized Quantum Triliminal or brainwave entrainment recordings created for your own purpose.

Total Membership Value $488/monthh

That's not all, when you sign up today, you will get...

You Can Get Instant Access To $890 Worth
 Fast Action Bonuses

Fast Action Bonus #1:Good Night, Sleep Well...(A $97 Value )

This is a classic "The Morry Method" recording that receives the most positive feedback.  This recording is designed to help bring on sleep by quieting the mental "noise" that can adversely affect your quality of sleep. Think calming thoughts, or nothing, while you drift off listening to these specially designed tones that lead you gently into a healthful and restful sleep state.

This recording actually guides you into your sleep cycle, helping to give you a head start on a restful and rejuvenating nights sleep.

Fast Action Bonus #2: Schumann Resonance Meditation...(A $97 Value )

7.83hz. is the Schumann Resonance, or the frequency that electro-magnetic waves travel through the earth's ionosphere. Its¡¯ been given credit for stimulating the release of growth and sex hormones (N. Shealy).

More spiritual and psychic experiences have been reported using this frequency than any other.

This is another classic "The Morry Method" recording. 

Fast Action Bonus #3:The Connection--A New 40 min  "The Morry Method" Brainwave Entrainment Recording (A $197 Value)

"The Connection" recording will help you move your mind beyond knowledge to knowing, and show you visions of what and where growth is needed.

 It can help you to communicate with your higher self and thus gain a greater understanding of yourself. This state is more common in extroverts with low traits of neurosis & anxiety.

"The Connection" can benefit you in many and varied ways, such as by...

  • revitalizing you

  • connecting you to your spirituality

  • helping you to become more intuitive

  • regulating your emotions

and more...

Fast Action Bonus #4: Recordings of Morry's 6-Week Self Esteem/Confidence Webinar (A $499 Value)

This is a 6-week Webinar class conducted by Morry to people attain supreme self confidence and succeed in every area of their lives.  You will get full recordings of all the lessons and an action plan.

Here are some of the topics that is covered in this course:

  • What is self esteem/confidence and where does it come from?

  • Self esteem/confidence test, Know how you really are doing.

  • How to cope with criticism from others and yourself?f?

  • Interpersonal Communication Skills

  • What are your sources of self-esteem and confidence?

  • Understand your low self esteem and by understanding it, change it.

  • Kids, how you can affect them and how you were affected.

  • Are you a bad new or good news person? Your personal achievements and how these     contribute to self-esteem.

  • What are your barriers to achieving higher levels of self-esteem?

  • What can you do to retrain your mind?

  • The Power of Thoughts ¨C Negative thoughts and how to turn them around

We're actually not sure if it is a right thing to do by giving away so much value. In fact, many of our friends think we are crazy by doing this.

And we are also not sure if this is a wise thing to do from a marketing point of view, as we will be selling these bonuses as stand alone products later on at their original prices.

BUT we have one good reason for doing this:

We're absolutely sure that "Quantum Triliminal Membership Program" is one of the best memberships that will help you consistently improve every area of your life. We are so confident that this is what you need for changing your life for the better.

And that's why we are willing to bribe you to try it by offering you this huge bonus package for FREE.

But for the reasons that I just said, We may remove these bonuses anytime even before the deadline for this offer.

What that means is any delay of taking action may cause you to lose this huge bonus package.

How much does it cost?

As you have seen the value and the personal attention from Morry you can get from this membership, you will agree that it is easily worth $97/month or more.  But if you sign up today, you can get a special  price at $47/month only (a $50/month off the regular price). 

No-questions-asked, 100% money-back, 90-day guarantee

If you cannot honestly state that our Quantum Triliminal recordings helpl you achieve remarkable results in one or more specifically area of your life, such as your health, wealth, relationship etc, within 90 days of signing up our membership, we don't deserve to keep your money.

You have every right to ask for a full, no-question-asked, on-the-spot 100 percent refund of every single dollar you paid to us anytime you decide. If you decide you want a refund, there will be no questions asked and no hard feelings whatsoever on our part.

100% Guaranteeded  Way To Replace Your Negative Beliefs with New Positive Beliefs and Enhance Practically Every Aspect of Your Life

YES, Song! I agree that this is exactly what I am looking for to help me transform every aspect of my life with Morry's cutting-edge breakthrough technologies.

As a member to Quantum Triliminal Membership Program, each month I will get

  • Two quantum triliminals specifically designed to help me improve one particular area of my life. ($197/month Value) I will get instant access to two new Quantum Triliminals on Self Decipline.
  • One monthly mentoring teleconference call with Morry($97/month Value) I will get instant access to recording of last month's mentoring call. and the new mentoring calls are to be held every 2nd Wednesday of the month.
  • Members forum to discuss with like minded people ($97/month Value)
  • A special session in the forum that you can ask questions and get answered directly by Morry himself ($97/month Value)

When I sign up today, I will get the following bonuses FREE.

  • Good Night, Sleep Well...(A $97 Value )
  • Schumann Resonance Meditation...(A $97 Value )
  • The Connection--A New 40 min  "The Morry Method" Brainwave Entrainment Recording (A $197 Value)
  • Recordings of Morry's 6-Week Self Esteem/Confidence Webinar (A $499 Value)


Click Here To Sign Up Your Quantum Triliminal Full Membership


Click Here To Sign Up Your Quantum Triliminal Silver Membership

 As a silver member, you get all the benefits of the full member, except you receive only one Quantum Triliminal per month instead of two. You will be billed $27/month instead of the full membership fee of $47/month.

you can cancel your membership anytime by simply opening a support ticket.

To your success!!

Song Chengxiang

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